B O W L - 1 0 1 M - Bowling League Management Program. Copyright (C) 1988-92 - All Rights Reserved. by Randy Stowe. - Voice (707)-725-9750 3:30 - 9:30 P.M. P.S.T. 1229 Newburg Road Dept C- BBS (707)-725-9745 300/1200/2400 Baud 24 Hr. Fortuna, CA 95540 - Fax (707)-725-1334 Group 3 Fax. ========================[ Bowl-101M Registration Invoice. ]==================== BOWL101M_*_____*_____*______*_________*_____*____*____*____*____Version_(10.0)_ Name___________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________ City________________________________ Type of computer________________________ State______________Zip______________ Amount of Memory______K No of Drives___ Phone (___)-____________ Date___/___/__ Registration fee for BOWL-101M__________________________________________$49.95 Shipping and handling __________________________________________________$ 3.25 If California resident, please add approproate sales tax______________$______ Non U.S. Funds please add an additional $10.00 to offset coversion costs$______ Disk Size ( ) 5.25 or ( ) 3 1/2 ( ) Either size. Total $______ Visa( ) MC( ) Payment Enclosed( ) Card#________________________________________ Expiration Date ____/____Signature_____________________________________________ =============================================================================== Things I would like to see added to BOWL-101M _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Problems I am having with BOWL-101M _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== This is my tenth release of this shareware program and I am curious as to where you obtained your copy of BOWL101M. ( ) Shareware ( ) Bulletin board ( ) Friend. ( ) Ad. Other___________________ Thank you so much for taking the time to fill this out..............Randy Stowe ( ) You have my permission to use any comments in your advertising. ( ) Please don't use any comments in your advertising.